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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-05-27 11th (Non-Med.)-A PHYSICS home work of all subjects
*Home work : 27-05-25 English :-Read the poem Physics revise the 3equ of motion by calculus methods -sn Chemistry :-revise class notes of today's lecture Maths-introduction of chap -4 Bio: Read the chapter -5 I.P : revise the given notes of today's lecture Phy Edu: Revise class work
Sharda Devi 2024-05-27
2 0000-00-00 3RD-Navy MATHS Weekly Test
Exercise 2.1 and 2
Reeeta Devi 0000-00-00
3 2024-05-27 11th (Medical)-A PHYSICS home work of all subjects
*Home work : 27-05-25 English :-Read the poem Physics revise the 3equ of motion by calculus methods -sn Chemistry :-revise class notes of today's lecture Maths-introduction of chap -4 Bio: Read the chapter -5 I.P : revise the given notes of today's lecture Phy Edu: Revise class work
Sharda Devi 2024-05-27
4 2024-05-27 6TH-Airforce SOCIAL SCIENCE Homework
Sst-Complete long answer question 1and 3 on notebook and try objective part on book (ch 1 History) Maths -complete Q 3 and 4 in fair notebook English -Write and learn antonyms (1 to 15) and one word (1 to15) from pg 287,295 Hindi -Do मौखिक प्रश्न in NB+learn मौखिक और लिखित प्रश्न (L-1) Skt-learn Hatasaya परिचय and divsanaam for written test SCI -do (G part) on fair notebook,do (I ,J part) in book
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-05-27
5 2024-05-27 9TH-Army SST home work
CIVICS - Make extra Q Ans SCIENCE - Revise characteristics of solid ECONOMIC - Make extra Q Ans ENGLISH - Revise uses of May and Might and Can and Could for class test MATHS - Do Q 1 + Do examples IT - Revise shell and kernel
Manorma Kumari 2024-05-27
6 2024-05-27 3RD-Airforce MATH homework
Maths- Learn Table of 8 and 9 Hindi-Do Q2 and Q3 of page 37 on book English-Do worksheet of gender EVS-Read and understand page 41 IT-Learn Q1 of Lesson 2
Reeeta Devi 2024-05-27
7 2024-05-27 10TH-Navy ENGLISH hw
geo-: recapitulate notes till Furious minerals with iron ore and complete given extra questions Hindi -;review chapter 4 again maths - complete exercise 4.2 Bio- revise till topic nutrition in Notebook English - memorize model IT - test of given topics civics- read chapter 3 first two pages till topic gender and politics and complete ch-2 exercise objective part on book
NISHA KUMARI 2 2024-05-27
8 2024-05-27 4TH-Army ENGLISH today hw
English- revise learn parts from pg no. 18 in 19 from English grammar. Hindi-Revised page 28, 29+ do Q-3(gh) part in B book
Anupama 2024-05-27
9 2024-05-27 8TH-Army SCIENCE Today's homework
Today's homework Science --- revise part h objective part of chapter 2 for oral test and do given questions of chapter 3 Maths ---- Learn basic concepts of chapter 4 English---- Complete grammar 1 question of diary entry on page 63 Hindi--- Complete ch-3 +bring notebooks for checking. Sst-----complete objective part + short questions answer of ch-1(history) +bring civics notebook IT ---- write code to insert image and image as a link and the given questions + try to solve A ,B, C Skt--- Learn धेनु +Do activity given on page 27 & complete hindi of ch-3.
Sapna Sharma 2024-05-27
10 2024-05-27 2ND-Navy ENGLISH home work
Today's homework (27/05/2024) *English* - learn Q/A of ch-3 and colour on pg-23 in book. *Maths* - do worksheet. *Hindi* - learn Q-1 from notebook of ch-2 (do written practice in rough notebook. *Evs* - written test of complete ex ch-5.
Shailja Kumari 2024-05-27
11 2024-05-27 5TH-Army ENGLISH homework
*Today's homework* *EVS* learn part-D of ch-6+read pg.48 *Maths* -do examples 3,4,5 of pg.39 *Eng* - solve question-1of Monday test in question paper and bring it tomorrow.and also read pg.19,20 of ch-2 grammar. *Hindi*-write classwork on notebook of ch-3( Madhushree). *IT* -test of question/answers of ch-
Neelam Sharma 2024-05-27
12 0000-00-00 3RD-Navy MATHS weekly Test
Exercise 2.1 and 2.2
Reeeta Devi 0000-00-00
13 2024-05-27 NUR-Navy HINDI Today's Homework
Class - *Nursery Navy* *English* Read chart with phonic sound *A* ऐ Apple *B*. ब ball *C* क cat *D* ड dog *E* ए Elephant *F* फ Fish *G* ग Grapes *H* ह Hen *I* इ Icecream *J* ज Juice Oh. *H* ह Hen *English* Write capital letter E on workbook. *Maths*_ Write number 2 on notebook Read counting (1 to 10) *G.K* *Q1 - Who are you? Ans- I am a girl / boy *M.V.* Don't talk while eating .
Priyanka Sharma 2024-05-27
14 0000-00-00 3RD-Navy MATHS weekly test
Exercise 2.1 and 2.2
Reeeta Devi 0000-00-00
15 2024-05-27 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Class - *Nursery Airforce* *English* Read chart with phonic sound *A* ऐ Apple ???? *B*. ब ball ???? *C* क cat ???? *D* ड dog ???? *E* ए Elephant ???? *F* फ Fish ???? *G* ग Grapes ???? *H* ह Hen ???? *I* इ Icecream ???? *J* ज Juice Oh. ???? *H* ह Hen ???? *English* Write capital letter E on workbook. *Maths*_ Write number 2 on notebook Read counting (1 to 10) *G.K* *Q1 - Who are you? Ans- I am a girl ????/ boy ???? *M.V.* Don't talk while eating .
Reena Devi 1 2024-05-27
16 0000-00-00 3RD-Airforce MATH Weekly Test
Exercise 2.1 and Exercise 2.3
Reeeta Devi 0000-00-00
17 2024-05-27 1ST-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
*Math* Complete pg-59 on book and bring maths book *English* Do pg-11 on grammar book and bring grammar book *EVS* Do written practice Of exercise of Ch-4. *Hindi*:-Test of pg-54 *IT*:- Learn spelling of desktop and laptop
Kumari Pushpa 2024-05-27
18 2024-05-27 3RD-Navy SCIENCE homework
Today's homework *Evs* -read and understand pg 41 *English* - revise today's class work *Hindi* - Do Q2, 3 pg 37 *Maths* -learn tables 8 and 9
Baneeta Kumari 2024-05-27
19 2024-05-27 7TH-Navy ENGLISH h.w
*Today's homework* *English*- Write notice on pg 50 and Diary Entry Q.2 on pg-58 *Hindi*- Learn long Q/Ans of L-1 *Maths*- Try to solve Q 1 and 2 *Science* -- Revise simple pendulum *S.St.* -- Do Q5 part-e and Q.6 part-a,b,c *IT* - Revise pg-30-36 of Ch-3
20 0000-00-00 3RD-Airforce MATH weekly test
Exercise 2.1 and 2.2
Reeeta Devi 0000-00-00