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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-08-08 2ND-Navy HINDI home work
Today's homework ( 08/08/2024) *English* read pg-44 and complete pg-45 on book ( starling) *EVS*-read and understand pg 29 and 30 (bring notebook) *Maths* revise tables 6 to 10 and bring book. *Hindi*- learn Q-1 ,2 of ch-4 from notebook.
Shailja Kumari 2024-08-08
2 2024-08-08 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Today's Homework Hindi - Learn लिंग (1-12) वचन (1-12) for written test EVS- Learn Q. 1 of ch -12 *English*- Do worksheet of possesive noun *Math*- Do part b, d of ex 4.5+ ex - 4.5 (test ) IT - Read pg - 35, 36
Narendra 2024-08-08
3 2024-08-07 6TH-Navy MATHS today's homework
Today's homework *(07/08/2024)* *Maths*- Revise closure ,commutative property,and make examples of these properties by your own. *Science*- Do H part of chapter -3 *Hindi* - Do shabdarth of chapter -6 ( ख) *Sst* - Complete short+ long questions of chapter 3 geography. *English* - Complete question answers of poem -4 and learn word meaning. *Sanskrit*- Again test of asmad 1 to 4. *It*- Write about myself in the code of Html + read page 51,52.
Abinash Banyal 2024-08-07
4 2024-08-07 8TH-Airforce ENGLISH hw
*Science* Complete Ch-5 *English* Recall Ch-4 questions answers *Hindi* Complete question answers 1 to 4 Long question *Maths* Revise ex-4.3 *S.S.T* Complete short question answers of Ch- 3 in notebook (geography)
Samta Kumari 2024-08-07
5 2024-08-07 8TH-Airforce ENGLISH hw
*Science* Complete Ch-5 *English* Recall Ch-4 questions answers *Hindi* Complete question answers 1 to 4 Long question *Maths* Revise ex-4.3 *S.S.T* Complete short question answers of Ch- 3 in notebook (geography)
Samta Kumari 2024-08-07
6 2024-08-07 6TH-Airforce SOCIAL SCIENCE H.w
Sst-R+U pg 32,33 and draw neolithic tools Maths-Practice fun with mental maths chapter- 3 Science-Do you think an answer of chapter 3 Hindi-Learn short answer questions given in class Skt-learn yesterday’s classwork(1-4) lines Asmed shabad
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-08-07
7 2024-08-07 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Homework English-Do worksheet maths do question 5, 6 from page number 55 or note book EVS read chapter 12 Hindi learn Himachal Pradesh 1 to 12 lines from notebook
Anupama 2024-08-07
8 2024-08-07 10TH-Airforce MATHS H. W
Maths:-Revise extra questions of chapter 10. Biology:-Revise food cycle and do the given questions. English :-Read chapter 9. Physics:-Revise ray diagram of lenses. Chemistry :-Complete notebooks till topic covered. History :-Read chapter 1till done. Hindi:-Revise chapter 1 for test.
Vipan Kumar 2024-08-07
9 2024-08-07 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Homework English-Do worksheet maths do question 5, 6 from page number 55 or note book EVS read chapter 12 Hindi learn Himachal Pradesh 1 to 12 lines from notebook
Anupama 2024-08-07
10 2024-08-07 3RD-Airforce MATH Homework
Maths-Do Q2 of mental maths (page -55) in book and learn table of 16 EVS-Read + Understand page-83+ learn part A, B, C English- Do worksheet of was, were Hindi-Read chapter 5 + write one handwriting page IT- Learn what is desktop and icons from lesson 3 ( page 28)
Reeeta Devi 2024-08-07
11 2024-08-07 8TH-Army SCIENCE Today's homework
Today's homework science ----do LAQ+ important terms+extra Q of chap-5 sst--- read and understand page 29 and 30 +Make flowchart even on beach 32+ bring notebook maths--- try to solve Q 1, 3 of ex 5.2 Skt--- right Hindi of chapter 4 and+ learn मासा नाम् दीप ज्योति मंत्र English --- complete question answer of chapter -4 in notebook Hindi--- complete लघु उत्तरीय + back excercise+ try दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न of chapter- 7
Sapna Sharma 2024-08-07
12 2024-08-07 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Homework
*Date* 06/08/2024 ???? *Today's Homework*???? *English* Complete page no 47 on workbook | *Maths* Write counting 1 to 10 on notebook. *G K* Learn body parts name Eyes ????,nose ????????,ear????????,hand????,leg???????? *M V.*:- Don't put anything in your nose????, ear???? and mouth ????. *अक्षर गीत याद करें* अ से अनार जो भी खाता अपनी सेहत ख़ूब बनाता।
Reena Devi 1 2024-08-07
13 2024-08-07 7TH-Airforce ENGLISH Homework
*Today's homework* 07-08-24 *English*- Complete reader lesson for question. Answer 1 to 4 in fair notebook and remaining in rough notebook *Hindi*- Do maukhik and laghu prashan in fair notebook *Science*- Read and understand page 73, 74. *Geo*- Learn Lesson 2 of geography *Maths*- Complete work exercise two of chapter 5 Q 1 to 4 *Skt*- Do question 1 ( page 51) and do Abhyas of book
Shashi Bala 2024-08-07
14 2024-08-07 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH Home work
Today's homework *Hindi* - write one handwriting page of Ch-4 and bring notebook *English* - Learn Q.1 and tick the correct options of L-5 and colour the picture on page -45. Bring English grammar book tomorrow. *EVS* Do reading practice of ch-8 and bring EVS notebook. *Maths* do 10 questions of multiplication and bring maths book *IT* Learn L-3 Q.1 to Q.3 from Pg-29
Binny Pandey 2024-08-07
15 2024-08-07 7TH-Airforce ENGLISH Homework
*Today's homework* 07-08-24 *English*- Complete reader lesson for question. Answer 1 to 4 in fair notebook and remaining in rough notebook *Hindi*- Do maukhik and laghu prashan in fair notebook *Science*- Read and understand page 73, 74. *Geo*- Learn Lesson 2 of geography *Maths*- Complete work exercise two of chapter 5 Q 1 to 4 *Skt*- Do question 1 ( page 51) and do Abhyas of book
Shashi Bala 2024-08-07
16 2024-08-07 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Homework English-Do worksheet maths do question 5, 6 from page number 55 or note book EVS read chapter 12 Hindi learn Himachal Pradesh 1 to 12 lines from notebook
Anupama 2024-08-07
17 2024-08-07 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Homework English-Do worksheet maths do question 5, 6 from page number 55 or note book EVS read chapter 12 Hindi learn Himachal Pradesh 1 to 12 lines from notebook
Anupama 2024-08-07
18 2024-08-07 6TH-Army SCIENCE HOMEWORK
science - read and understand page no 32&34 Maths - complete ex full with examples Hindi - write word meaning of chapter 6 in notebook English -- write que answer on fair notebook and learn word meaning of poem 4 SST- read and understand page no 32 -33
Ritika Sharma 2024-08-07
19 2024-08-07 7TH-Navy ENGLISH h.w.
*Today's homework* *English*--- Write and learn Q 1,2,3 of poem-4 *Hindi*- Do Short & long Q/ans 1,2 *Maths*- Do Q.1,2,3 of ex2. *Science* -- Read page no.73,74 *S.St.* -- Read + understand pg-27 to 29 *IT* - Read and revise Recap+do Q/ans1,2 of D part
20 2024-08-07 7TH-Navy ENGLISH h.w.
*Today's homework* *English*--- Write and learn Q 1,2,3 of poem-4 *Hindi*- Do Short & long Q/ans 1,2 *Maths*- Do Q.1,2,3 of ex2. *Science* -- Read page no.73,74 *S.St.* -- Read + understand pg-27 to 29 *IT* - Read and revise Recap+do Q/ans1,2 of D part