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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-08-20 5TH-Army ENGLISH homework
*R/p* *Today's homework* *Eng*- read and understand grammar usage-4 given book pg 63,64 for oral test. *Maths*- complete .4.2 full in fair notebook . *Hindi*- read and understand ch-7 and try to do pg 70,71 on book. *EVs*- weekly test of ch-10 on 21/8/24 *G.k* -learn test + ch-15-18.
Neelam Sharma 2024-08-20
2 2024-08-20 8TH-Army SCIENCE Today's homework
Today's homework science --- Again revise pg 90 to 95 for weekly test. sst---- Do SAQ from the topic read in class of chap-5 ( history) maths--- complete q1,2 of ex 5.4 English --- read and understand grammar pg 296,197and 198+ prepare presentation for given topic+ bring English notebook. Hindi--- do मौखिक प्रश्न of chapter 8 Skt--- complete Hindi + try व्याकरण ex part of chap-5.
Sapna Sharma 2024-08-20
3 0000-00-00 1ST-Airforce EVS ch 5,6
water and food
Baneeta Kumari 0000-00-00
4 2024-08-20 11th (Non-Med.)-A PHYSICS home work of all subjects
*Home work : -20-08-24 English :Bring English note books Physics revise the given notes of today's lecture and practice the articles of projectile and uniform circular motion Chemistry --learn functional group name. Maths : Revise the chapter 8 and 9 Bio :-Revise the role of carbohydrates Phy Edu: Revise class work IP -complete the chapter -5
Sharda Devi 2024-08-20
5 2024-08-20 11th (Medical)-A PHYSICS home work of all subjects
*Home work : -20-08-24 English :Bring English note books Physics revise the given notes of today's lecture and practice the articles of projectile and uniform circular motion Chemistry --learn functional group name. Maths : Revise the chapter 8 and 9 Bio :-Revise the role of carbohydrates Phy Edu: Revise class work IP -complete the chapter -5
Sharda Devi 2024-08-20
6 2024-08-20 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's homework *Evs* - learn Q/A ch-13 *Maths* - revise ch-4 up to 4.5 for class test. *Hindi*- reading test of ch-5 *English* . -Tomorrow there will be written test of forms of verb .
Anupama 2024-08-20
7 2024-08-20 6TH-Navy MATHS Today's homework
Today's homework *(20/08/2024)* *Maths*- Do exercise 4.2 in rough notebook and revise it. *Hindi* - Learn mokiih prasan of chapter -8 + bring grammar book. *Sst* - Read and understand lesson 3 page 171 to 173. *It* - Complete your internal style sheet+ bring notebook for checking and do pending work. *Sanskrit* - Test anmad sabd sare 1 se 7 tak. *Science* - Read page 45 to 51 lesson -4 for oral test. *English* - Revise poem -4 for weekly test.
Abinash Banyal 2024-08-20
8 2024-08-20 1ST-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
*Math*:-complete Q-2 at pg-93 on book. Bring maths book. *English* Do pg-43 on grammar book( use of those/ These) Bring English notebook. *EVS* Reading test of ch-8 with marks+ Do part B at pg-32 ‌ *Hindi* :- टेस्ट औ की मात्रा
Kumari Pushpa 2024-08-20
9 2024-08-20 6TH-Airforce SOCIAL SCIENCE H.W
Today's homework science—-try to do think and answer. Page 48 on rough notebook sst---Read and understand page 178 and 179 maths---Read and understand chapter 4 English—-solve grammar passage-334 and prepare for test lesson 4 Hindi---do +learn classwork of lesson 8 in Fair notebook Skt-learn Asmad Shabd for written test
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-08-20
10 2024-08-20 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH today's h.w
*Date (20/8/24) *R/p* *Today's homework* *Eng*- read and understand book page 63,64 for oral test *Maths*: do question 7 from page -70 in fair note book + solve mental maths questions on page 71... *Hindi*- read and understand ch-7 nd try to do page 70,71 in book *EVs*-learn question a to c of ch-13 for weekly test *It*- bring your book and revise book work done in class..
Kiran Lata 2024-08-20
11 2024-08-20 7TH-Navy ENGLISH h.w.
*Today's homework* *English*--- Revise Poem-4 for oral test. *Hindi*- Complete oral Q/Ans of L-9 *Maths*- Try to solve Q.1,2,3 of ch-5 *Science* -- Solve Ex .Q.A.B,C,D of ch-5 *S.St* -- Read pg-118 and 119 flow +do very short Q 1,2, 3 *SkT* - Read pg-50,51,52
12 2024-08-20 7TH-Airforce ENGLISH Homework
*Today's homework* 20-08-24 *English*- Try to do grammar page 166, 167. *Science*- Do L-5 Ex-A,B,C,D,H(2) *Sst*- Solve very short question answers of L-3 (history) in rough notebook *Sanskrit*- Do Lekhamo and vadamu vayam and learn Hindi of chapter 5. *Maths*- Revise chapter 5 full. *Hindi*- Complete maukhik prashan and do laghu prashan of L-9 in rough notebook
Shashi Bala 2024-08-20
13 2024-08-20 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH Home work
Today's homework *Hindi* - Learn lines (1-7) of My School *English* - Revise Adjectives - comparisons and three Forms of verb for weekly test tomorrow. *EVS* Read pg-32. of Ch-9 *Maths* Do project work at Pg-93 with paper. *IT* Read and understand mouse action (pg-32) *GK* revise pg-28 and fill pg-29
Binny Pandey 2024-08-20
14 2024-08-20 1ST-Navy ENGLISH Today's homework
*Maths* Complete Q. 2 on book Page no. 93. *English* Do page no. 43 on grammar book. ( Use of (These /Those) Bring English notebook. *EVS* Read first two paragraphs of chapter -8 ( page 31) *Hindi* ओ, औ की मात्रा का श्रुतलेख होगा |
Sapna Sharma 1 2024-08-20
15 2024-08-20 5TH-Navy MATHS HOMEWORK
English - Revise chapter 5 word meaning and Qno.2,3 and grammar usage 3 page 48,49 and 50 for test. Hindi- Read and understand chapter 7 of grammar and try to do page 77 on book.Also write question answers. Maths- Try to solve worksheet in your rough notebook. EVS- Revise chapter 13 for test. IT- Revise book work of chapter 4 and bring notebook for checking.
Ankush Khullar 2024-08-20
16 2024-08-20 10TH-Airforce MATHS H. W
Maths:-Complete and revise introduction of chapter 13 + Do Q 1 and 2 of Ex 13.1 English :-Revise chapter 5(Part 1) Physics:-Revise numericals of topic lens and power. Economics:-Do the extra questions of page 64 and 65. History :-Do the questions given on page 29 and 30. Hindi:-Complete chapter 2 of Kritika and prepare chapter 2 for test.
Vipan Kumar 2024-08-20
17 2024-08-20 9TH-Navy ENGLISH Home Work
English - Read poem -4 Hindi - Bring Notebook and read ch- 2 Mathematics - Read ch-5 and do question given in class .Also from roll no 1 to 10 bring pandrive for ppt presentation. Science - Do questions on pg no-18 + complete table given in class. S.Studies - Revise unit test syllabus.+ Do extra questions.
Shilpa 2024-08-20
18 2024-08-20 6TH-Army SCIENCE Homework
English -Prepare poem for weekly test Hindi - learn mokhik prashn of chapter 8 + bring grammer book Maths - Do full exercise 3 que 1,2,4,6 on notebook science - again oral test of chapter 3 full SST - revise map page 39 + read and understand chapter 3 sanskrit - again test of asmad 1-4
Ritika Sharma 2024-08-20
19 0000-00-00 5TH-Army MATHEMATICS Exercise 3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00
20 0000-00-00 8TH-Navy MATHS Monday Cycle test
Shilpa 0000-00-00