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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 0000-00-00 12th (Com.)-A INFORMATICS PRACTICES Societal Impacts
Poonam Kumari 1 0000-00-00
2 2022-12-24 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*-Do sum no. 1,2 ( all parts ) of ex=10.5, Revise ex=10.2 *English*- Revise class work *Hindi*- Try to do vyakaran sambodh L=7 *Sst*- Complete & Learn part A to D of L=13 *IT*- Do pg no. 85 full
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-24
3 2022-12-22 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Do sum no. 1,2 ( all parts) of ex=10.3 *Science*-Read pg 118,119 *Sst*- Read and understand pg 86 of L=13 *Hindi*- Try to do Q1,2(likhiye) in book
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-22
4 2022-12-21 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise & Complete ex=10.2 *Science*-Read pg 117 and write name of different types of friction *English*-Prepare for dictation of L=7 words ( 7 to 12) *Sst*- Read and understand pg 85 of L=13 *Hindi*- write one page of writing
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-21
5 2022-12-20 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise and complete ex=10.1 *Science*- Read page 116 and written the things that force can do *English*- Read & understand L=7 + prepare for dictation of pg 58 1 to 6 word *Hindi*- Read L=11 for ( Reading test) *Sst*- Read and understand L=13 pg no. 84 and write five Q/Ans of pg on your notebook
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-20
6 2022-12-08 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Solve and Revise work sheet on page. 32,38 and 43 in book *Hindi*- Kavita - 9 vyakaran sambodh yaad krein *Science*- Learn Revisions ch=5,6 *English*- Revise Pt- 2 syllabus *Sst*- Revise today revisions *IT*- Learn L=5,6
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-08
7 2022-12-07 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex=8.1 to 8.5 *Hindi*- Kavita v likhiye bhaag Q-1 yaad krein *Science*- Revise Revisions test *English*-Test of Diwali+ picture composition *Sst*- Learn Qun/ Ans L=9,10 *G.k*- Learn class work
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-07
8 2022-12-06 4TH-Army ENGLISH all subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex=8.6,8.7,8.8,8.9 *Hindi*- Boliye baagh v shabd arth from L= 9 *Science*- Learn Revision test *English*- Revise picture composition + test of revisions ( 1 to 4) *Sst*- Learn L=9,10 True / False, fill in the blanks, Name the following
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-06
9 2022-12-05 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex=7.6,8.9 + Do correction work of today's test *Hindi*- written test of btaiye v likhiye baag complete L= 7 *Science*- oral test of ch=7 *English*- Complete Revision -3 + learn tenses chart + gr page 108
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-05
10 2022-12-03 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Test of ex=7.1 to 7.6 *IT*- Revise L=5 *Hindi*- written test of L=7 and work meaning *Sst*- Revise L=12 full
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-03
11 2022-12-02 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex=7.3,7.4,7.5 *Science*- Learn part A to D *Hindi*- Again Learn L= 7 full *Sst*- Revise L=9 full *It*- Revise L=6 again *English*- Complete Revision -2 + Learn L=6 word meaning+ex=A & B ( 1 to 4)
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-02
12 2022-12-01 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex=7.1,7.2 *Science*- Learn part A,B,C again *Hindi*- paat=7 ( vyakaran bodh) + Q 1,2,3 v word meaning learn it *Sst*- Revise L=9 Q/ And *It*- Revise L=6 again
Nisha Sharma 2022-12-01
13 2022-11-30 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Test of ch=9 *Science*- Learn A,B&C part of ch=8 *English*-Learn reader L=5 word meaning + ex A,B *Hindi*- Madhup Learn v likhiye Ques 5 of L=5 *Sst*- Test L=10
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-30
14 2022-11-29 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ch=9 + Do correction work of Today's revision test *Science*- Learn A,B&C part of ch=8 *English*- Do correction work of test + again test of L=7 *Hindi*- Madhup btaiye v likhiy learn of L= 7 *Sst*- Revise L=10 part A,B,C + Questions 4 & 5 of part D
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-29
15 2022-11-28 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revision test of ch=9 full *English*-Complete chart of tenses ( verb- write) + Test of gr L=7 Article *Hindi gr*- Written test of Letter *Sst*-Revise Q/Ans L=10 *Science*- Read pg 89,90 & Draw excretory system
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-28
16 2022-11-26 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Do sum no. 1 all parts of ex= 11.1 + Revise word problems of ex= 9.2,9.4 *English*- Revise Article for weekly test *Hindi gr*- Learn Letter *Sst*- Learn L=11 full for test
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-26
17 2022-11-25 4TH-Army ENGLISH all subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise Conversion sum of ch=9 *Science*- Learn ch= 7 Q/ Ans or book exercise for weekly test *English*- Make tenses chart of verb write *Hindi gr*- Test of Letter *Sst*- Revise L=12 full for test *IT*- Prepare for your seminar topics
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-25
18 2022-11-24 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Test ( 1 to 4) sums ex=9.2,9.4,9.6 *Science*- Read pg 88 + Learn ch= 7 part D *English*- Revise gr L= 17 ex=A *Hindi gr*-Write & Learn Letter *Sst*- Learn Part D Q/Ans of L= 12 *IT*- - Revise Q 4 from pg 68
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-24
19 2022-11-23 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Complete & Revise ex=9.6 & Revise ( 1 to 4) sums ex=9.2,9.4,9.6 *Science*- Revise & understand A to D part of ch= 7 *English*- Revise gr L= 15 ex=D *Hindi gr*- anakarthak shabd ( 1-7) *Sst*- Revise L=12 full for weekly test
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-23
20 2022-11-22 4TH-Army ENGLISH All subjects homework
*Maths*- Revise ex= 9.1 *Science*- Learn A,B & C part of ch= 7 *English*- Revise gr L= 15 part A,B *Hindi gr* Weekly test of vilom ( 1-19) + vanykyansh bodak shabd ( 1-15) *Sst*- Learn Q/ans of L12 part D 1 to 4
Nisha Sharma 2022-11-22