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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2023-12-05 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Maths---revuse ex. 6 E and 6 G English --revise reader L--6 Sst-- learn L--10 Science --- revise time to answer and short answer type questions of chapter --5 Hindi --learn chapter --7 for written test IT--- revise chapter -- 5 using a browser
Saroj Kumari 2023-12-05
2 2023-12-05 6TH-Navy MATHS Homework
See image
Ankit 2023-12-05
3 2023-12-05 12th (Arts)-A HISTORY Home work
History- Revise Topic 1and 2 of ch. -8 Part -2 Pol. Sci. -Revise ch. -2 part-2 Hindi-Revise full syllabus Eng. -Test poem 2,5 and ch. -3, 4 Eco- Test ch. -4and 5 phy. edu. -Revise ch-2
Bandana Thakur 2023-12-05
4 2023-12-05 5TH-Navy MATHS today homework
today homework
Abinash Banyal 2023-12-05
5 2023-12-05 UKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Home work
Today's H.W. *Hindi* इ की मात्रा वाले शब्दों का श्रुतलेख लिखें । *English:+* Do practice of Topic :- *Name the pictures* And do reading practice of book page *Maths.* Do 9 sums of addition(+) *E.V.S* write ✍️ and read *vegetables name*???? Carrot ???? Peas Onion ???? Potato ???? Turnip *Concepts:-* fat / thin Near/far Laugh / Cry Poems :- Hindi *पुस्तक* *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anju Thakur 2023-12-05
6 2023-12-05 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Home work *Hindi* - Do worksheet *English*- revise Q/A of ch-12 *Maths*- do worksheet *Evs* - revise excercise pg -39 ( ch-10).
Anita Sharma 2023-12-05
7 2023-12-05 1ST-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*Maths* Do 5 -5 questions of addition and subtraction in notebook. *English* Revise page no. 43 from English book (snowdrop) Bring english notebook. *EVS* Revise page no. 39 + parts of a plant page 38. *Hindi* Learn page no. 75 from vitan book. Bring notebook daily.
Error Error 2023-12-05
8 2023-12-05 6TH-Airforce MATH Homework
English - Revise pollution article+ antonyms and one word substitution ( all). Hindi- Learn chapter 10 full for test. Maths- Revise exercise 8.3 and 8.4 Science - Revise objective part and HOTS of chapter 5 and 7. SSt.- Revise lesson 6 of history. Sanskrit - Learn tadd shabd puling and napustakling .
Ankush Khullar 2023-12-05
9 2023-12-05 12th (Com.)-A ENGLISH Homework
Account -Test ch-8 issue of share capital Q. 1 to 72 Economics - Test ch 4,5 economic reforms and capital formation Business Studies - Test ch-1 nature and significance of Management English -Test ch-3 IP- Revise Unit-1 Phy/Edu- complete practical file Maths- Test Ch-13
Seema Devi 1 2023-12-05
10 2023-12-05 LKG-Army HINDI Lkg Army
Today's H.W. 5/12/2023 *English* Write cursive letter N on workbook. *Hindi* :- व लिखे (on workbook) *Maths.* complete page no 85 on workbook. *E.V.S* learn any five Vegetables name ???????????????????? Revision of *Myself* *Recite Poem* Come little children come to me ,I will teach you A,B,C......................... Good .............................. **G.k:-* Revise previous *Q*. Which is our national animal, bird ????️ fruit ???? Game, flower and sweet ? *Ans*. Tiger ????, peacock ????, mango ????, hockey ????, Lotus and jalebi. *M.V* keep your room clean. *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Reena Devi 1 2023-12-05
11 2023-12-05 LKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
English:- Do complete page no 49 Maths:- write ✍️ counting 1-80 on workbook Hindi:- ये लिखें।
Anju Bala 2 2023-12-05
12 2023-12-05 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 5/12/2023 *English* Complete Page no58 on work book . *Hindi* - य लिखें on work book. *याद करें* य से यज्ञ संत है करते, जोर जोर से मंत्र यह पढ़ते। *Maths.* Complete Page no 83 of work book . *E.V.S* learn any five Domestic Animals Revision of *Myself* *Recite Poem* मेरी मम्मी प्यारी है सारे जग से न्यारी है, खाना मुझको खिलाती है, रोज स्कूल ले जाती है। **G.k:-* Q. 1 Which fruit is called king of fruits ? Ans. Mango ???? *M.V* Brush your teeth twice a day . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2023-12-05
13 2023-12-05 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 5/12/2023 *English* Complete Page no58 on work book . *Hindi* - य लिखें on work book. *याद करें* य से यज्ञ संत है करते, जोर जोर से मंत्र यह पढ़ते। *Maths.* Complete Page no 83 of work book . *E.V.S* learn any five Domestic Animals Revision of *Myself* *Recite Poem* मेरी मम्मी प्यारी है सारे जग से न्यारी है, खाना मुझको खिलाती है, रोज स्कूल ले जाती है। **G.k:-* Q. 1 Which fruit is called king of fruits ? Ans. Mango ???? *M.V* Brush your teeth twice a day . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2023-12-05
14 2023-12-05 5TH-Army HINDI today's homework
Today's homework (5/12/23) *English : revise ch-7 nd poster making *SST*: learn ch-6 for test and do exercise of ch-12 *Sci*: Revise ch-11 full *Hindi*: learn pryabachi sabad 1 to 10 *Maths*:revise ex 7A .....
Kiran Lata 2023-12-05
15 2023-12-05 5TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today’s homework
*Science*- Learn L-7 except long answers for test *Maths*- Try to solve Q5,6,8,9 of ex 10(a) *S.S.T*- Learn L-14 for oral test *English*- Revise reader L-10 synonyms + RTC + back exercise *Hindi*- Learn पर्यवाची 1-10 for written test *IT*- Test of L-7 question and answers
Deepika Chauhan 2023-12-05
16 2023-12-05 1ST-Airforce ENGLISH Today's homework
*Maths* Do 5 -5 questions of addition and subtraction in notebook. *English* Revise page no. 43 from english book (snowdrop) Bring english notebook. *EVS* Revise page no. 39 + parts of a plant page 38. *Hindi* Learn page no. 75 from vitan book. Bring notebook daily.
Sapna Sharma 1 2023-12-05
17 2023-12-05 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE Home work
Sst-Revise ch 5 of Geography and bring civics notebook for checking Science -Revise ch 17 Maths -Revise ch 12 for test Hindi-Learn Long Q/Ans of ch 12 for oral test English -Understand the concept of informal letter and write letter 3 on page 72
Vishwa Jyoti 2023-12-05
18 2023-12-05 2ND-Navy HINDI Home work
Today's Home work *Hindi* - Do worksheet *English*- revise Q/A of ch-12 *Maths*- do worksheet *Evs* - revise excercise pg -39 ( ch-10).
Shailja Kumari 2023-12-05
19 2023-12-05 4TH-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today's homework 05-12-23 *English*- Revise Lesson-6 (Reader) *Maths*- Practice exercise 6(E) and 6(G) *Hindi*- Learn Muhavre (11-15) *SST*- Learn Lesson-10 *Science* - Learn Back exercise and Time to answer of Lesson-5 *IT*- Revise lesson- 7
Shashi Bala 2023-12-05
20 2023-12-05 9TH-Navy ENGLISH H W
Geographic - complete notes chapter 4 with extra question answer also learn them physics -revised Chapter 11 till potential energy and example 11.6 11.5 11.3 11.4 page number 152 science- revised chapter 16 plant tissue math -revise chapter 8 and chapter 10 for Thursday test English - revise chapter The Lost child Hindi - revise chapter 3
NISHA KUMARI 2 2023-12-05