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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-01-01 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Maths-- do remaining parts of ex. 11 ( B) Q 3 ,4 5 6 ,7 English ---recall RTC of L--11 Science --recall time to answer and short answer type questions of L--13 Hindi ---write difficult words and one hand writing page of L--13 Sst---recall main points of L--18
Saroj Kumari 2024-01-01
2 2024-01-01 7TH-Airforce HINDI today's homework
hindi ---revise back exercise of chapter 14 maths --practise questions 2,3,4 of exercise 13.2 and given worksheeet on rough notebook IT -- scratch your brain English--complete reader page 106 and 108 sst ---read+understand today's topic+do extra questions of chapter 6 (history) sci-do Q.5(a,b,c)and Q.7(a)
Reena Kumari 2024-01-01
3 2024-01-01 3RD-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Homework Science-recall "time to answer"of ch-13 Sst-do Q.B,C pg 116 on book Maths- solve pg.136,137 Hindi- learn mokhik+likhit Q/A of ch-12 for test Eng-read pg.68 of ch-1 & give answers to these questions Q.1 whi lived in the castle? Q.2 How was the giant? Q.3 Did he share his things? Q.4 Where did the birds sit?
Neelam Sharma 2024-01-01
4 2024-01-01 3RD-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today 's Homework *Hindi*- learn मौखिक, लिखित प्रश्न of ch 12 and do written practice *Math* solve questions from pg 136,137 in book *Science*- recall time to answer ch 13 *Sst*-complete part B, C of ch 16 *English*-read pg 68 ch 11 and answer the given questions
Baneeta Kumari 2024-01-01
5 2024-01-01 12th (Com.)-A ENGLISH Homework
Economics- Memorize Page no 7 to 31 Chapter 1and 2 Accountancy Partnership ch-1 Recall Adjustment- 1. calculation of interest on partner's drawings 2. P/L app. A/C and partner's capital Business Studies - Test ch- 1 complete English - Recall ch-1
Seema Devi 1 2024-01-01
6 2024-01-01 3RD-Army ENGLISH Homework ei
Find and write dificult word + 1 handwritting pg on notebook of ch -14 English - Do reading practice of ch -10 Math - Do Q.2 of worksheet in notebook & solve mental math on book pg -137 Science - Do reading practice of ch -13 Sst - Revise Q/ A of ch -16
Narendra 2024-01-01
7 2024-01-01 7TH-Navy ENGLISH Homework
Today's homework *English*---- Completechapter-13 question and answer +back exercise +bring notebook for checking. *Math* ---- Practice Q2,3 of ex13.2+ do given Worksheet on rough notebook. *Science*------ Revise pg-191,192. *SST*--- Read and understand given stanza on pg-72,73 History *Hindi*--- Oral test of long Question answers of chapter-14. *Sanskrit*---- Write hindi of ch-16,17 + fill pg-113,114.
8 2024-01-01 8TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today's homework
Science --- Memorize the objective part of chapter - 8 Maths --- Summerize the formulas of chapter - 11 English --- Complete Lesson - 15 + bring notebook for checking SST --- Make extra question from chapter - 7 of civics Hindi --- Complete मौखिक, लखु , दीर्घ प्रश्न उत्तर of chapter - 13 IT --- Summerize classwork
Sapna Sharma 2024-01-01
9 2023-12-30 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 30/12/2023 *English* Write Cursive letters A-X on note book . *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। (On notebook) *Maths.* Write Counting 1- 90 on notebook. *E.V.S* learn *Myself* *Recite Poem* Baa Baa Black sheep have you any wool ............ *GK* Which is our national game ? Ans Hockey ???? *M.V* Take bath ???? daily . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2023-12-30
10 2023-12-30 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 30/12/2023 *English* Write Cursive letters A-X on note book . *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। (On notebook) *Maths.* Write counting 1 - 90 on notebook. *E.V.S* learn *Myself* *Recite Poem* Baa Baa Black sheep have you any wool ............ *GK* Which is our national game ? Ans Hockey ???? *M.V* Take bath ???? daily . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2023-12-30
11 2023-12-30 6TH-Navy MATHS Homework
*Dated* *30/12/23* *Today's Homework* *Mathematics* Do Given Worksheet *SST* Do the given extra Q/A *ENGLISH* Solve assignment 1 to 5 on page no 181 to 189 *Hindi* Learn Word Meaning on Short Q/A of Ch 11 *Science* Do Q8 of Ch 14 *IT* Do Extra Q/A
Ankit 2023-12-30
12 2023-12-30 UKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. *Hindi* ई की मात्रा वाले शब्दों को लिखने व पढ़ने का अभ्यास करें । *English:* Read and complete page no. 68 of work book *Maths.* Write & read counting (101-200). *E.V.S* Write ✍️ and read Question /Answer *Q. 1* How do we hear? *Ans*. From ear . *Q. 2* How many lips do you have? Ans. Two ✌ *Concepts:-* First / last Stop/move Clean / Dirty Poem :- घड़ी है करती टिक टिक टिक ------ G.K.:- Q. 1 Name our national flower. Ans. Lotus Q. 2 Name a flower plant that has thorns. Ans. Rose Q. 3 Name the flower which always faces the sun. Ans. Sunflower Q. 4 Which flower floats on water? Ans Lotus See page no. 23 of picture dictionary book for these ????questions. *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Deepika Verma 2023-12-30
13 2023-12-30 7TH-Airforce ENGLISH today's homework
Hindi --test of chapter 14 English --read+understand chapter 14 of reader Skt--fill page 113,114+make sankhyanam 1 to 10 on fair notebook with diagram SST --do Q.3 and 5 of exercise in fair noteboo of chapter 6 history Science --frame any three extra question bases of air pressure from daily life Maths --practise questions 1,2 of exercise 13.2 on rough notebook
Reena Kumari 2023-12-30
14 2023-12-30 LKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
English:- write ✍️ A-Z Maths:- write ✍️ dictation Hindi:- अ से ह तक वर्णों को पढ़ें और लिखें। Recite Thirsty crow
Anju Bala 2 2023-12-30
15 2023-12-30 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's Homework English- write and learn story of A woodcutter and fairy in your notebook from book from pg no. 79 + learn word meaning & QA of Read and Answers Maths test of exercise 11a and 11 b (ques. 1 - 3) Science recall chapter 13 thoroughly dictation test on Monday chapter 13 Hindi solve page number 129 of chapter 13 SST do extra question on notebook chapter 18
Anupama 2023-12-30
16 2023-12-30 5TH-Navy MATHS today's homework
today's homework
Abinash Banyal 2023-12-30
17 2023-12-30 6TH-Airforce MATH HOMEWORK
English - Do assignment from 1 to 7;of grammar. Hindi- Learn long answer type questions 3 and 4. Maths- Do worksheet. Science - Do extra questions on fair notebook. SSt - Do extra questions on fair notebook and read and understand chapter 8 of civics. IT- Do periodic assignment 3.
Ankush Khullar 2023-12-30
18 2023-12-30 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE H.w
Sst-Read and memorise topics covered ch 6 of history
Vishwa Jyoti 2023-12-30
19 2023-12-30 1ST-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*Maths* Draw rectangle, square, circle, triangle and oval on notebook. *English* Try to learn poem. Ch- 11 *EVS* Read page 57. *Hindi* आ से औ तक मात्राओं का अभ्यास करो | कल श्रुतलेख होगा |
Error Error 2023-12-30
20 2023-12-30 8TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today's homework
science --- do the given worksheet on notebook eng--- complete read and question answer of chapter 13 maths--- resolve question paper sst----- do extra question from chapter 7 skt पिब धातु नि- धातुको लिखें hindi---- मौखिक और लघु प्रश्न उत्तर कीजिए पाठ 13
Sapna Sharma 2023-12-30