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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-01-24 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 24/01/2024 *English* Write Missing cursive letters A -Z on note book . *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें।(On notebook) *Maths.* Do work sheet on note book. *E.V.S* learn *My School * *Recite Poem* Happy Republic day, Happy Republic day, For all' Indians India is my country I am proud of it ............ *GK* Which bird seen at night ? Ans Owl. *M.V* Brush your teeth everyday. *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-01-24
2 2024-01-24 5TH-Navy MATHS today's homework
Hindi - prepare chapter 11 for monthly test + try to do page no 169 on grammar book Eng - Revall question 1 to 6 of chapter 15 science - Learn scientific term of chapter 10 ( our enviy) It- complete your chapter 10 + bring your notebook for checking Maths- practice question 3 of 12b on rough notebook+ draw angles of 75,135,155,70,105,115 degree Sst- Read and understand chapter 17 from page number 107 to 109 for oral test
Abinash Banyal 2024-01-24
3 2024-01-24 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 24/01/2024 *English* Write Missing cursive letters A -Z on note book . *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें।(On notebook) *Maths.* Do work sheet on note book. *E.V.S* learn *My School * *Recite Poem* Happy Republic day, Happy Republic day, For all' Indians India is my country I am proud of it ............ *GK* Which bird seen at night ? Ans Owl. *M.V* Brush your teeth everyday. *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-01-24
4 2024-01-24 UKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*English* *Use of A/An* and dictation of all sounds *Hindi* आ ,इ और ई की मात्रा वाले शब्दों का श्रुतलेख अभ्यास *Maths* Circle ⭕the smallest number and write number name (1-10) *E. V.S.* Write and learn Fruits and Vegetables name *G.K* Q1 Which is our National Bird? Q2 Which is the biggest bird in the world? Q3 Which bird is seen at night? Q4 Name any two water birds. *Poem* Bits of paper *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Deepika Verma 2024-01-24
5 0000-00-00 1ST-Navy ENGLISH chapter -11
dictation test
Sapna Sharma 1 0000-00-00
6 2024-01-24 4TH-Airforce SCIENCE h w
science -- learn full chapter --9
Saroj Kumari 2024-01-24
7 2024-01-24 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
maths--understand the introduction of chapter 10 from page 151 and 152 English ---do worksheet and learn Diwali (1--12 lines) Science --Learn full chapter Hindi---try to do page-104 ,105 on grammar book chapter --14 Sst--- try to fill A to D part in book L--20 IT--bring your notebook
Saroj Kumari 2024-01-24
8 2024-01-24 LKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
English write ✍️ cursive capital letters A-Z and write capital letters A-Z Maths Read and Write ✍️ counting 1-100 Hindi अ से ज्ञ तक वर्णों को लिखें व पढ़ें। EVS Read and understand page no 27&29
Anju Bala 2 2024-01-24
9 2024-01-24 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH today's homework
Today's Home work *Hindi* -write difficult words of ch. 14 on your notebook and do Q.7,9 on page 137(vitan) *English*-write a story from pg. 110 and also try to learn it ( snowdrop) *Maths*-Do practice of chapter 7 *Evs* -written test of chapter -17 on Saturday
Anita Sharma 2024-01-24
10 2024-01-24 6TH-Navy MATHS Homework
*Dated* *24/01/24* *Today's Homework* *Mathematics* revise chapter 7 for test *ENGLISH* revise informal letter *Hindi* Write five example of sandhi (every type of Sandhi) *SKT* learn मम Parichay for written test
Ankit 2024-01-24
11 0000-00-00 2ND-Navy MATHS ch-9
Time and calendar
Error Error 0000-00-00
12 2024-01-24 8TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today's homework
science --- Memorize given question answer of chap-15 and practice diagram of reflection of light. maths--- test of chapter 11 sst-----make extra question answers from chapter 8 of history Hindi---- do word meaning+ कवि परिचय of chapter 16 + learn आत्मनिर्भर भारत IT--- make fill in the blanks from timeline of chapter- 11
Sapna Sharma 2024-01-24
13 0000-00-00 5TH-Army MATHEMATICS Test 30 marks
Decimals, Money, profit loss, Data handeling
Saroj Dogra 0000-00-00
14 2024-01-24 LKG-Army HINDI Lkg Army
Today's H.W. 24/01/2024 *English* Write first letter of given pics on notebook. (Same as Class work) *Hindi* - श्रुतलेख (Dictation) *Maths.* Write counting (1-100)on note book. *E.V.S* *My Home* *Recite Poem* Happy Republic day, Happy Republic day, For all' Indians India is my country I am proud of it ............ *GK* Which bird seen at night ? Ans Owl ????. *M.V* wash your hand before and after the meal . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Reena Devi 1 2024-01-24
15 0000-00-00 5TH-Navy SCIENCE class Test
Test of L-9
Deepika Chauhan 0000-00-00
16 2024-01-24 7TH-Airforce HINDI today's homework
Maths -- revise chapter- 11 and complete exercise- 14.3 IT -- evaluate chapter- 10 Sci -- complet chapter-14 Sst -- do worksheet of chapter-9 (geography) Hindi -- do diary entry English -- complete page 31,33,35
Reena Kumari 2024-01-24
17 0000-00-00 5TH-Airforce SCIENCE Class Test
Test of L-9
Deepika Chauhan 0000-00-00
18 0000-00-00 2ND-Airforce MATH ch-9
Time and calendar
Error Error 0000-00-00
19 2024-01-24 4TH-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today's homework 24-01-24 *English*- Recall Diwali lines 1 to 12 + Complete worksheet of pronouns. *Maths*- Understand introduction of chapter 10 from page 151 and 152. *Hindi*- Do likhit Q k, kh notebook and fill page 136 to 139. *Sst*- Do extra question answer of L-20 in notebook *Science*- Recall L-13 full *Gk*- Complete and recall page 44 and 45
Shashi Bala 2024-01-24
20 2024-01-24 3RD-Army ENGLISH Homework
Today 's Homework *Hindi*- Solve pg -65 on grammar book on ch -11 *Math*-solve Q4, 5 ex 11C and Q1 ex 11D *Science*-learn fact file and time to answer chapter 13 *Sst*-learn a, b, c, d part +Q1, 2 chapter 19 *English* do worksheet of adjectives +learn urgent piece of work application *IT* solve double tap pg 106 and read five lines
Narendra 2024-01-24