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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 0000-00-00 3RD-Army HINDI monthly test
पाठ - 13, 14,15 ( व्याकरण संबोध )
Narendra 0000-00-00
2 2024-02-02 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH today's homework
Today's Home work *Hindi* -learn exercise of chapter 10 ,11 (vitan book) *English*-do question 1( joining words) on grammar book pg. 81,82 *Maths*-do practice of statement sums of chapter -7 *Evs* -read and understand chapter 20
Anita Sharma 2024-02-02
3 2024-02-02 4TH-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today's homework 02-02-24 *English*- Recall L-15 of reader *Maths*- Practise worksheet of lesson seven page one twenty three *Sst*- Revise L-10 full *Science*- Practice bodmas Time to answer lesson nine eleven thirteen *Hindi*- Test of L-11
Shashi Bala 2024-02-02
4 2024-02-02 3RD-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Today 's Homework *Math*- solve Q7& Q8 of worksheet pg - 172 *Science*- Learn Let us practice+ Q1,2 of ch -10 *Sst*- Complete + Learn ch -9 Revision -1 from notebook *English* - learn Urgent piece of work, do written practice *Hindi*- do worksheet IT-do L-10 on notebook
Neelam Sharma 2024-02-02
5 2024-02-02 3RD-Navy ENGLISH hw
Today 's Homework *Math*- solve Q7& Q8 of worksheet pg - 172 *Science*- Learn Let us practice+ Q1,2 of ch -10 *Sst*- Complete + Learn ch -9 Revision -1 from notebook *English* - learn Urgent piece of work, do written practice *Hindi*- do worksheet
Baneeta Kumari 2024-02-02
6 2024-02-02 1ST-Airforce ENGLISH Today's homework
*Maths* Do 10 questions of subtraction in notebook. *English* Complete worksheet in English notebook. ( comprehension) *EVS* Again reading test of chapter -20 + learn part A, B *Hindi* Complete worksheet in notebook.
Sapna Sharma 1 2024-02-02
7 2024-02-02 2ND-Navy HINDI Home work
Home work Hindi- learn exercise of ch-10,11 Maths- do practice of statement sum of chapter 7 English - do question-1( joining words) on grammar book page81,82 Evs- read and understand ch-20
Shailja Kumari 2024-02-02
8 2024-02-02 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Today's homework 02- 02--24 *English*- recall reader L--5 *Maths* -- revise today's unit test *Hindi*--- learn the worksheet of chapter --12 for test Science -- revise chapter --6 full again *SST*--revise chapter --10 for oral test
Saroj Kumari 2024-02-02
9 2024-02-02 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE Home work
Science -complete chapter 10 exercise Sst-Revise chapter 7 for revision test Maths-Revise exercise 11.1 and 11.2 again for test English -revise change of voice Skt-revise lesson 13 Hindi -written test Patra letter one page 24 IT-complete chapter 1 0
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-02-02
10 2024-02-02 7TH-Navy ENGLISH Homework
Today's homework *English*---- Prepare the topic Voices. *Maths* ---- Memorize Ch-4 + exercise 8.2. *Science*------ Memorize page 173,174. *IT*---- Evaluate all the programs of ch-10 on fair notebook. *SST*--- Revise ch-7 of history full. *Hindi*--- Written test of Global warming + letter.
11 0000-00-00 6TH-Airforce SCIENCE objective part, difference, reasoning questions+ hots
Sapna Sharma 0000-00-00
12 0000-00-00 11TH- ARTS HINDI Monday test
whole Syllabus
Pinki Devi 0000-00-00
13 2024-02-01 7TH-Army ENGLISH IT, Eng H.w
IT-right example of the if,...elif... else ladder English -revise tenses
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-02-01
14 2024-02-01 UKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's home work
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Understand Topic :- *One -Many* *Hindi* चित्र पहचानकर नाम लिखो का अभ्यास करें *Maths* Draw shapes :- circle , triangle , square and oval *E. V.S.* Match animal name with their homes *G.K* Q1 Which is our National Bird? Q2 Which is the biggest bird in the world? Q3 Which bird is seen at night? Q4 Name any two water birds. *Poem* Bits of paper *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,।
Anju Thakur 2024-02-01
15 2024-02-01 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE Homework
SCI -Learn ch 14 for 30 marks test tomorrow Sst-Learn ch 7 of history extra questions Maths-Revise exercise 11.1 and 11.2 Skt-test ch 12 Hindi -learn anuched global warming and letter one page 124
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-02-01
16 2024-02-01 8TH-Navy ENGLISH hw
Today's homework science- Frame extra questions from chapter- 15 English- Revise unit test syllabus Hindi- write important points of avayay Maths. - revise chapter- 5 and bring notebook SST- complete chapter- 8 of History
Samta Kumari 2024-02-01
17 2024-02-01 5TH-Navy MATHS Today's homework
Today's homework *(02/02/2024)* *Maths*- Revise chapter 1 + exercise 3A,3c . *Science*- Prepare chapter 10 for Monday test. *Hindi* - Revise worksheet of chapter 13 for written test. *Sst* - Fill A to d part in book of chapter 17 + bring india political map. *English*- Revise chapter 15 + letter for oral test.
Abinash Banyal 2024-02-01
18 2024-02-01 UKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Understand Topic :- *One /Many* *Hindi* चित्र पहचानकर नाम लिखो का अभ्यास करें *Maths* Draw shapes :- Circle , Triangle , Square and Oval ( Do practice to make shapes properly) *E. V.S.* Match animal name with their homes *G.K* Q1 Which is our National Bird? Q2 Which is the biggest bird in the world? Q3 Which bird is seen at night? Q4 Name any two water birds. *Poem* Bits of paper *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Deepika Verma 2024-02-01
19 2024-02-01 8TH-Airforce ENGLISH Today's homework
science --- understand the topic eye and laws of reflection. maths--- repractice ex 3.1 and 3.2. English --- unit test of given topics sst----- learn chap-7 and 8 of history. Hindi --- make notes of अव्यय। Write and learn Hindi of chapter+ test of मम् माता।
Sapna Sharma 2024-02-01
20 2024-02-01 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Today's homework 01- 02--24 *English*- learn Diwali *Maths* -- revise chapter --10 and 11 for unit test tomorrow *Hindi*--- do worksheet *SST*--revise chapter --20 full *Science*- revise chapter--9 again
Saroj Kumari 2024-02-01