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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 0000-00-00 7TH-Navy MATHS chapter 11( perimeter and area)
dated - 30/01/2024
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00
2 0000-00-00 7TH-Airforce MATHS chapter 11( perimeter and area)
dated - 03/02/2024
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00
3 0000-00-00 7TH-Airforce MATHS chapter 11( perimeter and area)
dated - 31/01/2024
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00
4 0000-00-00 8TH-Airforce MATHS Monday test chapter 11
Gaurav Sharma 0000-00-00
5 0000-00-00 3RD-Army SCIENCE ch 14
how things are measured
Neelam Sharma 0000-00-00
6 0000-00-00 3RD-Navy SCIENCE ch 14
how are things measured
Neelam Sharma 0000-00-00
7 0000-00-00 3RD-Airforce SCIENCE ch 14
how are things measured
Neelam Sharma 0000-00-00
8 0000-00-00 4TH-Army SCIENCE ch 5,9
teeth and microbes and air,water and weather
Neelam Sharma 0000-00-00
9 0000-00-00 4TH-Airforce SCIENCE ch 5,9
teeth and microbes and air,water and weather
Neelam Sharma 0000-00-00
10 0000-00-00 5TH-Army IT Robotics
Test carry 10 marks Q1 to 6 carry 1 marks Q 7,8 carry 2 marks
Pooja Ranout 0000-00-00
11 2024-02-03 8TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today's homework
Science ---complete question answer of chapter 15 and summarise your topic persistence of a vision and vision of accommodation. English --- revise report writing Maths- revise ch 12 exponents and powers. Sst----- revised chapter -7 of history Hind--- unit test of chapter 15 and 16 +निबंध (आत्मनिर्भर भारत) Skt---Learn। दशहरा
Sapna Sharma 2024-02-03
12 2024-02-03 6TH-Navy MATHS Homework
Mathematics Revise Unit Test Syllabus Ex 4.6 Ch 5,6,7,8
Ankit 2024-02-03
13 2024-02-03 UKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Understand Topic :- *One -Many* *Hindi* आ, इ, ई की मात्रा का श्रुतलेख अभ्यास करें और अ से श्र लिखें *Maths* Draw shapes :- Circle , Triangle , Square and Oval & Write number name (1-10) *E. V.S.* Match animal name with their homes *G.K* Q1 Which is our National Bird? Q2 Which is the biggest bird in the world? Q3 Which bird is seen at night? Q4 Name any two water birds. *Poem* Bits of paper *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Deepika Verma 2024-02-03
14 2024-02-03 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 03/02/2024 *English* Write Cursive capital letter A -Z on notebook. (Try to write with outdot) *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। *Maths.* Write what comes After . ( Do work sheet on notebook) *E.V.S* *Places around us* *Recite Poem* Teddy bear turn around ............ *GK* Who Cut your hair ? Ans - Barber. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-03
15 2024-02-03 UKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's home work
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Understand Topic :- *One -Many* ( Test will be on Monday) *Hindi* चित्र पहचानकर नाम लिखो का करें। वर्णमाला अ के श्र तक लिखें *Maths* Match the shapes to their names and write number names 1-10 *E. V.S.* Match animal name with their homes *G.K* Q1 Which is our National Bird? Q2 Which is the biggest bird in the world? Q3 Which bird is seen at night? Q4 Name any two water birds. *Poem* Bits of paper *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Anju Thakur 2024-02-03
16 2024-02-03 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 03/02/2024 *English* Write Cursive capital letter A -Z on notebook. (Try to write with outdot) *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। *Maths.* Write what comes After . ( Do work sheet on notebook) *E.V.S* *Places around us* *Recite Poem* Teddy bear turn around ............ *GK* Who Cut your hair ? Ans - Barber. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-03
17 2024-02-03 7TH-Airforce HINDI today's homework
all subjects
Reena Kumari 2024-02-03
18 2024-02-03 8TH-Navy ENGLISH hw
science- revise chapter- 15 upto dispersion English- revise report writing and story writing Maths- revise chapter- 9 SST- revise chapter- 7
Samta Kumari 2024-02-03
19 2024-02-03 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's homework
Today's Homework English learn dictionary skills Q7 alphabetical order + synonym and antonyms, Diwali, ch-14& 15 of snowdrop Maths - practice chapter 7 fraction Hindi - learn worksheet of ch-13 for written test Social Studies - learn revision -1 of chapter 10 iand complete ex. Science - learn chapter 7 full
Anupama 2024-02-03
20 2024-02-03 5TH-Navy MATHS today's homework
Today's homework *(03/02/2024)* *Maths*- Revise exercise 3f, 4c,4d in rough notebook. *Science*- learn scientific terms of chapter 10,12 for test. *Hindi* - Learn worksheet of chapter 14 for written test. *Sst* - Read and understand chapter 18 fill A to D part on book. *Gk*- Evaluate page 26,27. *English*- Revise Monday test syllabus.
Abinash Banyal 2024-02-03