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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-02-05 6TH-Navy ENGLISH Homework
*Dated* *05/02/24* *Today's Homework* *Mathematics* Practice Chapter 8 Decimal *SST* Do last Chapter of Civics *ENGLISH* Recall story No 1 from book *Hindi* Learn Long answer type Question for oral test + Do मूल्यपुरक प्रशन on rough notebook *Science* Revise Table on page no 127 *SKT* learn खगा नाम and परिवार नाम for test
Ankit 2024-02-05
2 2024-02-05 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 04/02/2024 *English* Write capital letter A -Z on notebook. *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। *Maths.* Count and match . ( Do work sheet on notebook) *E.V.S* *Who drive your School bus?* Ans-Driver. *Recite Poem* Bits of paper,Bits of paper ............ *GK* How many days in a week? Ans - seven. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-05
3 2024-02-05 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 04/02/2024 *English* Write capital letter A -Z on notebook. *Hindi* - अ से ज्ञ तक लिखें। *Maths.* Count and match . ( Do work sheet on notebook) *E.V.S* *Who drive your School bus?* Ans-Driver. *Recite Poem* Bits of paper,Bits of paper ............ *GK* How many days in a week? Ans - seven. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-05
4 2024-02-05 UKG-Army ENGLISH Today's Homework
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Understand Topic :- *One -Many* ( Test will be on Monday) *Hindi* चित्र पहचानकर नाम लिखो का करें और वर्णो को जोडकर शब्द बनाए। *Maths* Match the shapes to their names and counting (201-300) *E. V.S.* Match animal name with their homes ( colours name for test)
Priyanka Sharma 2024-02-05
5 2024-02-05 8TH-Navy ENGLISH hw
Date 05/02/2024 *Science*- frame extra question *English*- revise Tense, models and subject verb agreement *Maths*- revise 9.1, 9.2 and9.3 *It*- test chapter 10 and 11 *S.S.T*- written revision chapter 7
Samta Kumari 2024-02-05
6 2024-02-05 7TH-Airforce HINDI today's homework
Today's homework 5.2.2024 SST-Revise chapter 9 (life in the desert)Of geography+bring civics notebook for checking Skt- revise chapter 15,16 English- complete revision of peace poem and recall prepositions Sci- write difference between natural and artificial vegetative propagation Hindi- learn lesson 13 shabdarth, maukhik, likhit + dirgha 1,2 Maths-Revise ex 8.3+try these on Page 162,163 It-test of chapter 9
Reena Kumari 2024-02-05
7 2024-02-05 7TH-Navy ENGLISH h.w.
Today's homework *English*---- Prepare L-9 and Poem-10 for revision test *Maths* ---- Memorize Exercise 8.3 on rough notebook *Science*-----Do given questions *Skt*---- Memorize " Bhanu " shabd *SST*--- Revise Ch-7 of Geography *Hindi*--- Revise L-6 on pg-230
8 2024-02-05 5TH-Army ENGLISH today's homework
Today's homework (5/2/24) *English*: revise diary entry and poster making ... *SST*: learn question 1,2,3 of ch-18.. *Sci*:revise ch-12 ex question 1,2,3,4,5 *Hindi*: learn ch-15 for class. Revision test *Math* : revise ex 3c question 2 Ex 3d question1 to 6
Kiran Lata 2024-02-05
9 2024-02-05 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's Homework
English revise Today's test maths practice exercise 8b question science revised chapter 13 fill Hindi learn worksheet chapter 14 for class Test SST learn complete Chapter 11 + prepare chapter 10 for test on Wednesday
Anupama 2024-02-05
10 2024-02-05 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE Homework
Sst-Revise ch 9 Geo for written revision Science -Difference between fragmentation and spore formation Maths-Revise chapter 11 Hindi-Learn Long ans question of ch 13 dohe English -Revise ch 10 +preposition
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-02-05
11 2024-02-05 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Today's homework 05- 02--24 *English*- recall L--11 ( The Racked Pot) *Maths* --practice ex. 8(B) questions *Hindi*---learn worksheet of chapter -14 for revision *SST*--revise chapter --10 ,12 *IT*-- revise chapter 5 + bring your IT book *Science*- revise chapter --13
Saroj Kumari 2024-02-05
12 2024-02-05 4TH-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today's homework 05-02-24 *English*- Recall reader L-11 *Maths*- Practise Ex 8 B questions *Sst*- Revise L-10 and 11 *Science*- Revise lesson 6 full *Hindi*- Recall L-10 again and L-8 for test
Shashi Bala 2024-02-05
13 2024-02-05 6TH-Airforce MATH HOMEWORK
English - Revise chapter 7 and 10. Hindi - Revise chapter 13 except long answer questions. Maths-Revise today's test. Science - Revise objective part and write Qno.10 SSt.-Revise chapter 4 and
Ankush Khullar 2024-02-05
14 2024-02-05 3RD-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Today 's Homework *Math*- Do practice of exercise 8D, 8E *Science*- revise ch -11 full *Sst*- Revise Revision 2 ch 9+read carefully ch 10 *English* - learn Question answers of chapter 11(snow drop) *Hindi*- revise test again
Neelam Sharma 2024-02-05
15 2024-02-05 3RD-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today 's Homework *Math*- Do practice of exercise 8D, 8E *Science*- revise ch -11 full *Sst*- Revise Revision 2 ch 9+read carefully ch 10 *English* - learn Question answers of chapter 11(snow drop) *Hindi*- revise test again
Baneeta Kumari 2024-02-05
16 2024-02-05 2ND-Navy HINDI Home work
Home work (05/02/2024) Hindi - revise ch-12 grammar book. English - revise ch-12 Evs- learn complete exercise of ch-16 Maths- revise topic weight in measurement.
Shailja Kumari 2024-02-05
17 2024-02-05 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH today's homework
Today's homework (05/02/2024) Hindi - revise ch-12 grammar book. English - revise ch-12 Evs- learn complete exercise of ch-16 Maths- revise topic weight in measurement.
Anita Sharma 2024-02-05
18 2024-02-05 1ST-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*Maths* Complete page no. 153 , 154 on book and bring maths book. *English* Complete worksheet in English notebook. ( comprehension) *EVS* Read and understand page no. 78 , 79 *Hindi* Complete Page no. 77 on grammar book.
Error Error 2024-02-05
19 2024-02-05 1ST-Airforce ENGLISH Today's homework
*Maths* Complete page no. 153 , 154 on book and bring maths book. *English* Complete worksheet in English notebook. ( comprehension) *EVS* Read and understand page no. 78 , 79 *Hindi* Complete Page no. 77 on grammar book. *IT* Learn Q/A (classwork revision)
Sapna Sharma 1 2024-02-05
20 0000-00-00 7TH-Navy MATHS chapter 11( permiter and area)
dated- 31/01/2024
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00