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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2024-02-12 UKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's home work
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Do practice of topic :- See the picture and write the missing letter. *Hindi* आ, इ, ई की मात्रा का श्रुतलेख अभ्यास करें और चित्र पहचान कर सही शब्द पर गोला लगाने का अभ्यास करें । *Maths* Do practice of topic Circle the smallest number *E. V.S.* Write & learn Q:1 & Q:2 *G.K* Learn these Questions???? Q1 Which is our National vegetable? Q2 Which vegetable looks like a flower? Q:3 Which vegetable has a crown on its head? *Poem* Learn Hindi poem"पुस्तक" *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Anju Thakur 2024-02-12
2 2024-02-12 UKG-Army ENGLISH Today's Homework
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Do practice of topic :- See the picture and write the missing letter. *Hindi* आ, इ, ई की मात्रा का श्रुतलेख अभ्यास करें और चित्र पहचान कर सही शब्द पर गोला लगाने का अभ्यास करें । *Maths* Sums of addition and sums of subtraction *E. V.S.* Write & learn Question/Answer *G.K* Learn these Questions???? Q1 Which is our National vegetable? Q2 Which vegetable looks like a flower? Q:3 Which vegetable has a crown on its head?
Priyanka Sharma 2024-02-12
3 2024-02-12 UKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
*( Class -U. K. G)* *English* Do practice of topic :- See the picture and write the missing letter. *Hindi* आ, इ, ई की मात्रा का श्रुतलेख अभ्यास करें और चित्र पहचान कर सही शब्द पर गोला लगाने का अभ्यास करें । *Maths* Do practice of topic Circle the smallest number *E. V.S.* Write & learn Q:1 & Q:2 *G.K* Learn these Questions???? Q1 Which is our National vegetable? Q2 Which vegetable looks like a flower? Q:3 Which vegetable has a crown on its head? *Poem* Learn Hindi poem"पुस्तक" *Concepts* Happy/Sad Laugh/ Cry Old / New Stop/move *Magic words* Thanku Excuse me, sorry,
Deepika Verma 2024-02-12
4 0000-00-00 5TH-Navy MATHS chapters- 1,3,4,5
dated -09/02/2023 unit test
Abinash Banyal 0000-00-00
5 2024-02-12 8TH-Navy ENGLISH hw
Science- Revise chapter- 9 Hindi- written test of chapter- 11,12 Maths. - revise chapter- 14 IT- revise chapter- 8 SST- revise chapter- 4( History) Skt. - revise chapter- 11,deepawali
Samta Kumari 2024-02-12
6 2024-02-12 7TH-Airforce HINDI today's homework
Today's homework 5.2.2024 SST-Revise chapter 7 (Markets around us) Skt- revise dhenu English-test of story writing+antonyms (1-30) Sci- Again revise chapter 10 Hindi- revise diary entry+muhabre Maths-Revise ex 12.2,12.3 It-revise chapter 7
Reena Kumari 2024-02-12
7 2024-02-12 5TH-Navy MATHS today's homework
Today's homework *(12/02/2024)* *Maths*- Revise chapter 7,8,9 for test. *Science*- learn chapter 3. *Hindi* - Learn chapter 14 ( grammar) for test. *Sst* - Revise chapter 14 + unit test. *English*- Revise chapter 7 of reader + phrasal verb. *It* - learn chapter 6 for written test.
Abinash Banyal 2024-02-12
8 2024-02-12 4TH-Navy ENGLISH homework
Today's homework 12-02-24 *English*- Complete revision given in notebook and recall articles *Maths*- Test of Ch-12 *Sst*- Revise L- 13,14 *Science*- Learn lesson 13 and 9 *Hindi*- Test of grammar lesson 18 and 19 *IT*-Test of L-9
Shashi Bala 2024-02-12
9 2024-02-12 6TH-Navy MATHS Homework
*Dated* *12/02/24* *Today's Homework* *Mathematics* Test of Ch 10 *SST* learn urban administration *ENGLISH* revise Question of chapter 15 plus tenses *Science* do question number 10 11 on fair notebook bring fair notebooks *SKT* learn हस धातु for test
Ankit 2024-02-12
10 2024-02-12 4TH-Airforce ENGLISH home work
Today's homework 12- 02--24 *English*- revise articles and picture composition *Maths* -- practice chapter --12 full *Hindi*---learn chapter --5 sangya *SST*--revise chapter --13 ,14 *Science*- revise chapter --9 time to answer fact file ,short answer *IT--learn L--5 again
Saroj Kumari 2024-02-12
11 2024-02-12 11th (Com.)-A ENGLISH home work
*Today's homework*. *Economics*:- Bring project file and revise the topics written in it. *Business*:- Bring project file and revise the topics written in it. *Accounts*:- Test of BRS, Journal and Depreciation. *Maths*:- Solve ex. 13.1 of limits and derivatives chapter. *English*:- Test of ch-3 of hornbill.
Renu Verma 2024-02-12
12 2024-02-12 3RD-Airforce ENGLISH homework
Today 's Homework *Math*- do written practice of ex 9D *Science*- revise chapter 14 full *Sst* revise chapter 4 full *English* - do worksheet on notebook *Hindi*- again learn मौखिक and लिखित questions of ch 9
Neelam Sharma 2024-02-12
13 2024-02-12 2ND-Airforce ENGLISH today's homework
*Today's Home work Maths* revise ch-9 *English* Learn grammar portion of ch-16 from snow drops *EVS* Learn Q/A ch-14 *Hindi* Learn ch-13 (vitan book) + counting 21 to 40. *Learn GK Questions* 1) How many districts of your state? 2) what is your state name? 3)Who is the chief minister of your state?
Anita Sharma 2024-02-12
14 2024-02-12 LKG-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
English write ✍️ dictation Maths write ✍️ dictation and what comes after Hindi समान दिखने वाले वर्ण पर गोला लगाएं
Anju Bala 2 2024-02-12
15 2024-02-12 8TH-Airforce SCIENCE Today's homework
science -- again re- practice chapter 8 and 9 for test.. sst----- revise chapter 5 in 6 of history English --- summarize chapter 9 and poem 14 Hindi -- test of chapter 11 and 12 IT--- test of chapter 9 maths--- re practice chapter 14
Sapna Sharma 2024-02-12
16 2024-02-12 7TH-Army SOCIAL SCIENCE Homework
Science -device chapter 10 and 11 + bring notebook Sst-Revise chapter 5 geo+ diagrams of chapter 4 and 5 Maths -Revise exercise 12.1 and 12.2 + bring revision notebook English -Revise chapter 14 friends and flatters and nonfinite verbs Hindi -revise one word 36 to 70 and diary entry
Vishwa Jyoti 2024-02-12
17 2024-02-12 LKG-Navy ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 12/02/2024 *English* Write Missing cursive letter A -Z on notebook. *Hindi* - चित्र देखकर पहला वर्ण लिखो। *Maths.* Write counting 1-100 *E.V.S* *Who stitch your suit?* Ans- tailor. *Recite Poem* Bits of paper.. ............ *GK* Which day is always holiday? Ans - Sunday. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-12
18 2024-02-12 NUR-Airforce ENGLISH Today's Homework
Today's H.W. 12/02/2024 *English* Write Missing cursive letter A -Z on notebook. *Hindi* - चित्र देखकर पहला वर्ण लिखो। *Maths.* Write counting 1-100 *E.V.S* *Who stitch your suit?* Ans- tailor. *Recite Poem* Bits of paper.. ............ *GK* Which day is always holiday? Ans - Sunday. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Anita Devi 3 2024-02-12
19 2024-02-12 4TH-Army ENGLISH Today's Homework
Homework maths revise chapter 12 Fill Science revice fact file + time to answer and short answer type questions of chapter 9 Hindi learn chapter 8 full of grammar book IT- revise chapter 5 full for test on Tuesday SST learn chapter 13 again less chapter 14 complete exercise English - learn Diwali (do written practice)
Anupama 2024-02-12
20 2024-02-12 LKG-Army HINDI Lkg Army
Today's H.W. 12/02/2024 *English* Write Missing cursive letter A -Z on notebook. *Hindi* - चित्र देखकर पहला वर्ण लिखो। *Maths.* Write counting 1-100 *E.V.S* *Who stitch your suit?* Ans- tailor. *Recite Poem* Bits of paper.. ............ *GK* Which day is always holiday? Ans - Sunday. *M.V* Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing। . *Concepts:-* Good/Bad Heavy/Light Pull/Push Front / Back Up/Down *Magic words* Thank you , please , sorry, Excuse me
Reena Devi 1 2024-02-12